Terms & Conditions

The contract

1. Your contract is with us, Premier Banqueting, which is a wholly owned subsidiary company (registered number 12392108) of Premier Banqueting Ltd, of Stoney Rock Court, Stoney Rock Lane, Leeds, LS9 7TZ.
2. We appreciate that on occasions someone else (such as a relative) may wish to make payments due to us on your behalf. We are happy to accept such payments, but please note that unless we agree otherwise with you in writing you are legally responsible
for any payments due to us. The Organisation and/or individual in whose name the booking is made, unless otherwise stated, will be considered the Hirer, and shall be jointly and severally liable in respect of the booking.
3. In these terms, “venue” means the venue at Stoney Rock Court where your event is agreed to be held, “event” also means (where applicable) a conference, wedding, celebration party etc. “event package” means the services relating to your event which we
agree to provide to you; and “working day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England when banks in London are open for business.

Making your booking

4. We may agree to you making a provisional booking with us, but this is not legally binding on either you or us unless and until a contract is entered into in accordance with paragraph 5. Premier Banqueting does not accept liability for any losses incurred due
to the cancellation of provisional bookings in compliance with this policy.
5. If after receiving our quotation for your wedding package, you want to make a booking with us, you should within 14 days of the date of our quotation return your signed booking form and pay your deposit of 25% of the quotation total. Payments can be
made in cash or BACS transfer. Please note that your deposit will not be refunded if you subsequently cancel a confirmed booking, as explained in paragraph 16 below. A contract is only formed between you and us when we accept your signed booking form
and countersign our confirmation of receiving deposit. No booking application shall be binding on us and no contract shall be formed unless and until we sign this confirmation. If we do not accept your booking application, we shall of course return your
deposit. Paid deposit and signed booking form will be taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions.
6. The price of your event package shall be as set out in your booking form.
7. If not all components of the price in the quotation are stated to be fixed (for example, because they depend on the number of guests to be catered for), the final price will be determined either in accordance with the quotation (for example, the charge “per
head” for services) or as otherwise agreed with us (for example, if there are any “extra” services not set out in the quotation which we subsequently agree at our discretion to provide to you).

Payment of balance

8. We will require the total price of your event package (less any deposit paid) 28 days before the scheduled date of your event.

Health and Safety

9. The Hirer is responsible for the Health and Safety of their staff, guests and delegates throughout the duration of the hire period, and will be expected to comply with all relevant legislation. Information regarding emergency procedures and First Aid
arrangements is available from the main office. The capacities of each function room are given on the Premier Banqueting website and may not be exceeded for safety reasons.
10. The management reserves the right to alter proposed room layouts in order to comply with fire regulations and to refuse admission to rooms if over-crowding is liable to occur.
11. All electrical equipment must comply with the Health and Safety Executive electrical code of practice.

Third party personal insurance and liability

12. Premier Banqueting shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property arising out of the holding of a function or any injury which may be incurred by any persons during the holding of an event arising from any cause whatsoever. Nor shall Premier
Banqueting shall be responsible for any loss due to mechanical breakdown, failure in electricity supply, flood, fire, government restriction or act of God which may cause the Premier Banqueting premises to be temporarily closed or the function interrupted.

Personal property and vehicles

13. Premier Banqueting does not accept responsibility for the property of customers or guests. Any goods or vehicles are left at the owner’s risk and without any liability on the part of Premier Banqueting. Premier Banqueting accepts no responsibility for cars
parked on or around its surrounding area


14. Premier Banqueting will endeavour to ensure that all equipment e.g. projectors, media systems, A/V, kitchen/bar machinery, lighting etc. is functioning appropriately prior to an event however in the event of any technical failure, damage or malfunction,
we will not be liable to compensate any such loss as a result of this.

Customer Liability

15. The Hirer agrees to assume full responsibility for the conduct of its guests/external contractors and shall reimburse the facility for any damage, loss or liability incurred to the facility by any of the Hirer’s guests or any person or organisation contracted by
the Hirer to provide any service or goods before, during or after the function.


16. In the event that the Hirer cancels a confirmed booking, the following charges will be applied:

  • Length of time before your scheduled event: Cancellation charge
  • More than 6 months: Amount of your deposit (i.e. non-refundable in all cases except in the event of government restrictions due to Covid)
  • Between 3 and 6 months: Up to 30% of total event package price
  • Less than 3 months: Up to 50% of total event package price
  • Less than 1 month: Up to 75% of total event package price

Cancellation by you

17. If you want to cancel a confirmed booking, you must do so in writing and the provisions in paragraph 18 shall apply.
18. We will use reasonable endeavours to “re-sell” the date to another individual. However, you must pay us any losses and costs we suffer because of the cancellation which were reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when the contract was entered
into, whether or not we are able to resell the date. Depending on when you cancel, the cancellation charges you must pay shall be determined by reference to the table above. We will tell you the exact cancellation charges once we know whether or not we
have been able to resell the date, and you must pay the charges within 20 working days of our invoice. Where the final price has yet to be finalised (for example, because you have not yet confirmed catering numbers), we shall base the cancellation charges
on any minimum numbers set out in our quotation.
19. In the event an account is turned over to a collection agency, the undersigned agrees to pay those reasonable fees and court costs which might be associated with the collection process.

Cancellation by us

20. We reserve the right to cancel your booking without liability to you and without any obligation to refund your deposit if:
(a) you do not pay us the balance of your wedding package price by the date due for such payment; or
(b) we have reasonable grounds to believe that you may not pay us the balance of your wedding package price by the due date and we have requested you to explain the position and you have not done so satisfactorily; or
(c) we discover, before you have paid the balance of your wedding package price, that you have deliberately concealed information, or deliberately given us incorrect information, about your intended event in circumstances where (if you had not done so) it
would have been reasonably foreseeable that we would not have accepted your booking; or
(d) we have reasonable grounds to believe that your behaviour or that of your guests at the event is likely to result in damage to the venue or to our property and/or injury to people.
21. If we cancel your booking under paragraph 20, you must pay us any losses and costs we suffer because of the cancellation which were reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when the contract was entered into, whether or not we are able to resell the
date. Depending on when we cancel, the cancellation charges you must pay will be determined by reference to the table set out under paragraph 16 above.

Events outside our control

22. Except as set out in this paragraph 21, we shall not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under our contract with you that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (such as serious
damage to the venue, serious adverse weather conditions, a pandemic or epidemic, or interruption or failure of utility services such as electric power, gas or water). In these circumstances, we shall use every effort to notify you as soon as is reasonably
practical. If, as a result of such events, we believe we have no alternative but to cancel your booking, we shall use reasonable endeavours to help you find an alternative venue of a similar standard for a similar price but our sole liability to you shall be to refund
you any money you have paid towards your event package.

Limitation of our liability to you

23. Subject to paragraph 22, our total liability to you for any loss you suffer will be limited to the total amount of money payable to us for your event package. We will not be liable for any losses which were not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when
the contract was entered into or for any losses that were not caused by any breach of contract or breach of statutory duty or negligence on our part.

Changes to the venue and/or your event package

24. We reserve the right to make changes to the interior and/or exterior of the venue between the time we accept your booking and the date of your wedding. For example, we may make changes to the décor and colour schemes of function rooms, and we
cannot guarantee that the venue and its surrounds will be free from additional structures (such as marquees or scaffolding).
25. We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that no components of your wedding package have to be altered. However, as the event package is normally compiled a time before your scheduled event, we reserve the right to make changes to certain
components if this is necessary to comply with safety requirements or other changes in law or relevant codes of practice, or to make other minor changes which we reasonably believe will not be to the detriment of your overall experience and which will not
increase the price.
26. We will notify you of any significant changes covered by paragraphs 24 and 25 but unless the change is one which is likely to fundamentally change the nature of your event experience we will not offer a refund, costs or compensation.
27. You may not use displays and/or signage unless and until we give you approval. Nails, tacks and tape may not be used on walls.
Smoking Policy
28. Premier Banqueting operates a no smoking policy throughout the building. Please inform your guests/delegates of this policy and ensure that they do not smoke whilst they are in the building or immediately around the premises.

Your responsibilities

29. You must confirm final catering numbers no later than 28 days before your event. They must be a maximum number to be set out in our quotation. If your actual number of guests falls beneath the maximum number set out in our quotation, we will still
charge you for that number.
30. You must provide us, by the dates we may reasonably request of you, with any other information we ask for (such as your final choice of menus) so that we may finalise the details of your event package and/or its price.
31. You must comply with, and use your reasonable endeavours to ensure that your guests comply with; all of our reasonable instructions intended to ensure the safety of property and/or people at the venue.
32. You must provide your guests with such information we may reasonably request regarding arrangements to be followed at the venue (for example, in relation to car parking or the storage of valuables).
33. You will be liable for any damage you cause to the venue, its equipment, contents or fittings.
34. We reserve the right to stop any activity which we reasonably believe is likely to cause damage to the interior or exterior of the venue or to risk the safety of people at the venue.
35. Details of third party suppliers we provide to you are intended to help you in arranging other services to be provided in connection with your wedding. If you do engage these or any other third party suppliers, we accept no responsibility for their
performance of services and you should take up any complaints with them directly. You are also responsible for paying their charges directly. We reserve the right not to allow into the venue any third party suppliers who do not meet our requirements
intended to ensure the safety and welfare of property and people at the venue.
36. Fireworks are not permitted internally or externally within the Premier Banqueting venue or surrounding areas. The Hirer shall ensure such activity is not engaged and will be liable to prosecution.


37. Delivery of any drinks or other items must be made at the venues convenience for storage purposes; please contact your event manager in order to arrange delivery. In addition, all items not belonging to the venue must be taken off the premises within 2
hours of the close of the event.
38. Premier Banqueting reserves the right of entry, or to ask any persons to leave the premises who are not keeping good order or who are under the influence of drugs or excessive alcohol consumption at any time during the hire period.

External contractors and caterers

39. Caterers are only permitted in certain areas of the kitchen; they will be asked to speak with the event manager prior to entering. The kitchen is only available for the re-heating of food and if on-site cooking/frying is to be carried out; arrangements must
be made with the event manager prior to the booking confirmation. The hirer is responsible that the caterer leaves the kitchen premises in a condition that was presented to them. Premier Banqueting does not accept any responsibility to the performance,
loss, damage or negligence as a cause of any external contractor or caterer even if recommended. Premier Banqueting will oversee the arrangement of caterers for only their own wedding packages and suppliers.
40. The Hirer must ensure that all entertainment booked for the hire period, with emphasis on bands and DJs are in possession of a Public Liability Insurance document and the equipment used for The Hire Period is Portable Appliance Tested (PAT). The
Event Manager reserves the right to request a copy of this documentation at any time and will refuse permission to any contractors who do not have Public Liability Insurance and whose equipment is not Portable Appliance Tested.
41. All music must cease by 11:00pm unless otherwise stated in the booking form.

Time of hire

42. The venue will be accessible for the Hirer and their guests between 10am till 4pm or 6pm till 12am(music has to be turned off at 11pm) as specified in the booking form. Alternative times and extended hours may be permissible at the discretion of Premier
Banqueting and must be arranged at the time of the booking. External contractors (stage deco, DJ, mobile bar, table deco etc.) including the delivery of items such as drinks, goods, props etc. may only be permitted entry 2 hours prior to an event and 2 hours
after an event for disassemble and departure. Premier Banqueting will oversee the arrangement of external contractors and caterer for only their own wedding packages and suppliers.
43. The Hirer is responsible for the arrival and departure of all guests in a quiet and orderly fashion

Bar, cutlery/crockery and glassware

44. Premier Banqueting does not charge corkage for the consumption of drinks in the premises.
45. The Hirer must ensure that all bar equipment is compatible in relation to dispensing drinks. Additional items such as glassware, serving dishes or cutlery/crockery which is not included in the booking form or quantities exceeded shall be charged on the
rates as specified in the booking form or at the standard rate.
46. The Hirer must refuse to serve alcohol to any persons under the age of sixteen. Any persons who are deemed to look under the age of eighteen, in the opinion of bar staff and do not carry picture ID will also be refused alcohol.


47. Any error or omission in any information or document issued by us shall be subject to correction provided that the correction does not materially affect the contract.
48. You may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under our contract with you to another person without our prior written consent, which we will not withhold unreasonably. We can transfer all or any of our rights and obligations under the contract
to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights under these terms.
49. Other than guide dogs, hearing dogs and other assistance dogs, no pets or other animals are allowed in the venue or any of our other premises.
50. These terms shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
51. Strictly no Fireworks at Premier Banqueting Suite for any events.